the color wheel
if red, yellow and blue can make every color in the rainbow, what makes red, yellow and blue?
if red, yellow and blue can make every color in the rainbow, what makes red, yellow and blue?
i'm so frustrated! so i signed up to teach a religion class with Senorita Cosita, thinking it would be the nice, charitable thing to do. eighth grade, or so i thought, would be the perfect age to actually get a message across to them and have insightful discussions. i definitely thought wrong. banging on the walls of the adjoining classrooms, yelling, running up and down the hallways, spitting spitballs, and smearing frosting in kid's hair is not exactly what i signed up for. i hope they realize we don't get paid for this. i can't take a year with these kids. they are so incredibly disrespectful. it would probably be easier to teach sixth graders.
you can really separate the “academic” classes from the “slacker” classes because in the latter you’re still playing get-to-know-you games on the friday of the first week of school. we were asked to cut 25 items that represented us out of magazines and glue them on to an oversized piece of colored paper. it was a tough assignment especially when we were given a choice of Martha Stewart Living, Home & Garden, Country Living, and the like. i feel like i know my fellow classmates pretty well because we were asked to present 5 of our 25 items to the class.