a work in progress

Sunday, December 31, 2006

wisdom no longer

after extracting 2 of the 4 wisdom teeth from my mouth on wednesday, and having to deal with the ongoing recovery process, while battling a cold/sinus infection/congestion, i've come to appreciate new things in life:
1) 800 mg of Ibuprophen
2) soft foods, mostly applesauce
3) netflix
4) viccodin induced sleep
5) daytime t.v.
6) sudafed
7) buttersotch malts
8) saltwater rinses
i never wanna have to go through this again.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

a new tune

i can officially start singing, "i'm dreaming of a white christmas" instead of "i'm dreaming of a kinda-splotchy-possibly-rainy christmas"
what a relief.

now i'm in the spirit!

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

a high tech world

personally, i think the mini "cell phones" for little kids are pathetic. parents shouldn't need to give their small child a cell phone to keep track of where they are. the kids shouldn't have to use their special "mom and dad buttons" to check in. shouldn't that be the parent's responsibility to keep tabs on them, not a cell phone's?

Monday, December 04, 2006

it's better to have love and lost...

An excerpt from Waiting By: Ha Jin.
"In other words, emotionally he hadn't grown up. His instinct and ability to love passionately had withered away before they had had an opportunity to blossom. If only he had fallen in love soulfully just once in his life, even though it might have broken his heart, paralyzed his mind, made him live in a daze, bathed his face in tears, and drowned him in dispair! ... What else could he do other than to endure?"